About Me

I'm Vaidyanathan Chandramouli, a distinguished techno-management leader

Meet Vaidyanathan:

Vaidyanathan Chandramouli is a distinguished techno-management leader with nearly three decades of experience in the information technology industry. His extensive expertise encompasses Governance, Risk and Compliance, Business Continuity Management, Internal Controls, and operational excellence.



About Apayapadh Advisory

we are a leading risk management advisory firm specializing in empowering SME organizations to navigate the complex landscape of risk-based cybersecurity, data privacy and protection, business resilience, crisis management, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and innovative training methodologies using gaming and simulation processes. With a solid commitment to excellence, we have seasoned experts who are dedicated to helping our clients thrive in an ever-evolving risk environment.

Pioneering Apayapadh Advisory:

Following a successful corporate career, Vaidyanathan established himself as the founder and Chief Insights Officer at Apayapadh Advisory. He provides exceptional risk-based advisory services, specializing in cybersecurity, Business Resilience, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

Immersive Learning Expert:

Vaidyanathan is a trailblazer in developing immersive learning solutions using gaming and simulations, particularly in Cyber Security, Sustainability, Crisis Management, and Business Resilience. He is dedicated to enhancing individual strengths in Cyber Security, Crisis Management, Sustainability, and Business Continuity through innovative assessment tools.

Expert Speaker and Industry Leader:

Vaidyanathan is a sought-after speaker who has delivered talks at various industry bodies and academic institutions. His extensive knowledge spans Business Resilience, Cyber Security, Governance, Operational Excellence, Crisis Management, Crisis Leadership, ESG, and Positive Psychology.

Leadership Roles:

In addition to his advisory work, Vaidyanathan currently serves as the President of the ISACA Chennai Chapter and is a founding member of the Business Continuity Institute, India Chapter.

Vaidyanathan’s dedication, expertise, and impressive certifications have made him a respected authority in risk management and techno-management leadership.

Vaidy’s Accreditations / Certifications / Achievements

When you're truly passionate about something, it becomes your driving force. It keeps you energized, even during long hours.

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Vision Statement:

Nurturing Ant-fragile ESG, Cyber, and Enterprise Resilience for 360* value

Mission Statement:

Fostering a secure, resilient, and socially responsible business landscape through effective risk management, ESG considerations, and the pursuit of IKIGAI

Core Values


    • Upholding the highest ethical standards in all our interactions and decisions.
    • Building trust with our clients, partners, and stakeholders through transparency and honesty.


  • Embracing a culture of continuous improvement and staying at the forefront of emerging trends in ESG, cybersecurity, and enterprise resilience.
  • Encouraging creativity and forward-thinking solutions to address evolving challenges.


    • Fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives and encourages teamwork.
    • Building strong partnerships with clients and industry leaders to collectively enhance resilience and sustainability.


    • Striving for excellence in every aspect of our work, from risk management to ESG integration, with a commitment to delivering superior value to our clients.
    • Pursuing ongoing learning and development to maintain a high level of expertise in our advisory services.

Social Responsibility:

    • Recognizing the broader impact of our work on society and the environment.
    • Integrating social responsibility into our advisory approach, contributing positively to communities, and promoting a sustainable and equitable business landscape.


Why Apayapadh?

  • Expertise: Industry veteran and subject matter expert who stay at the forefront of emerging risks and best practices.
  • Innovation: We leverage cutting-edge technology and gaming simulations to deliver immersive training experiences that engage and prepare your workforce.
  • Customization: Our solutions are not one-size-fits-all. We tailor our services to meet your specific needs and goals.
  • Partnership: Our client relationships are true partnerships, collaborating closely to achieve sustainable risk mitigation and business growth.
  • Commitment: We are committed to the highest ethical standards, confidentiality, and data protection in all our interactions.

Services We Can Help You With



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Adipiscing id in lectus hendrerit mus in ut vulputate scelerisque fermentum.


Commodo sit in odio velit non lacus, rhoncus, commodo faucibus ac nec.


Turpis metus orci massa, praesent vitae eget purus pulvinar augue et est.

Self Improvement

Porttitor nibh eget tellus sed odio diam sit ultrices sit enim viverra.

Self Awareness

Risus tincidunt tempor, velit hendrerit cras neque adipiscing pharetra, vitae consequat.


Mus a pulvinar lectus cum ultricies nibh mi ac blandit phasellus porttitor.

Life Skills

Orci vestibulum, massa morbi eu nec ultrices integer nulla feugiat morbi.


Hand of robotics connecting to industrial network connection on laptop. Artificial intelligence. Futuristic technology and manufacturing concept.